Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home alone

I thought since Bob & Samuel were gone, Kay was gone, etc., I would stay home and post a blog. It's been about a year. Something must have occurred in that length of time! I've lost a sister-in-law and gained 2 g-grandchildren in the last little while and feel quite beleagured as though I had died and given birth twice myself--and not twins either! I haven't come to the end of my rope--if I do, I'll tie a knot in it and hang on for dear life. I noticed the other day in the Draper Temple, that the white temple books of scripture that the pages are gilded in silver and I remembered, too, that every cloud has a silver lining. The Economy has done a number on some in the family but trials and tribulations are often for our growth or for someone's growth who is watching us. The morality of the world and of our country bothers me as much or more. Liars, I scream at the TV, then subside into some semblance of repentance and take another look at my own character and soul growth! My family means a lot to me--it started when I was 18 months old and left at Grandma Caines' house for 1-1/2 yrs. I learned so much about love from her and from my bachelor uncle Dick and the brother that was married and had no children, Bob Caines. They were simply adoring but it didn't take long for Mom to teach me the real life and no more "happy valley" stuff for this 3 yr old. Wel, I'm regressing, but I knew from them how important family is and the various trials and experiences I lived through in the Family with "Nine Lives" taught me how much my parents cared about us, too. Hope this isn't boring, as I have no scanner to show you a small child and an old woman. Hip, hip hooray, no scanner to bore us either, eh?


pacemaker said...

I finally got your comments! Don't know what you did differently, but whatever it was, worked!

RaCHeL said...

Thanks for posting G'ma! It's always nice to see how you're feeling. You should do it more often! See you soon!

Laura said...

It's a miracle! Keep posting G
ma! It was fun shopping with you on Saturday!

Jason Madsen said...

Please keep posting Grandma! We love you

colleen said...

That was fun to see your post mom. I don't check the blogs much but enjoyed reading yours. love you colleen

Sheila Madsen said...

You are never boring. It is always fun reading what you write or talking with you. Maybe Rachel can help us figure out how to post a picture for your this latest blog while she is in town.

You are better at blogging than me. It's been 21 months since I posted anything!

Hanson3 said...

I'm SO happy that you posted! I wish you would do it more :)
Hope all is well Grandma B