Saturday, September 5, 2009

Septembe 5, 2009. I am home all day so I wash the car despite rain clouds, put up sumer clothing despite 86 degree temperatures, cut out the drying lilies despite the green in their leaves and now I am watching Beauty and the Beast. Pretty good for a Sat. matinee and the next one is Sleeping Beauty. Tuesday I get a new lens in my right eye. I knew I was losing my sight but until I had my eyes tested, I didn't know how little I could really see. What's that top line?? that big, humongous line?? It just seems like a sheer curtain between me and my eye. I am glad Sheila hasn't run to Buffalo yet, but then Colleen would be here for me or maybe I could even ask Kay to spend the day at the Eye Institute. We all know how Gina is tied up all the time. There is one drawback. I just prophesied (that's a drawback in itself!) that Rachel would have her baby on Sept 8, the very same day! Thanks for tuning in!


Laura said...

Glad you surgery went well and that mom could be there to help. I guess we were both wrong about when baby Shaw was arriving : )

Becki Madsen said...

I hope you are feeling better! Hugs and kisses from afar in Colorado!